Our Committees
Ambassador Committee: This committee serves as the marketing arm of the GACC by encouraging involvement in monthly events and developing value-added services and benefits. Ambassadors are members who volunteer to serve as the face of the Chamber as they greet, direct and sign in guests at GACC events. Ambassadors assist the Director of Membership Services in following up with new members and encouraging area businesses to join the GACC.
Bluesfest Committee: This committee plans and executes our June blues music festival, Gladstone Summertime Bluesfest, ensuring the best in Blues and beverages, served in Oak Grove Park.
Education Committee: This committee partners with local public and private schools to promote workforce development. This committee oversees the application process and selection of the annual GACC scholarships. They also organize the "Welcome to the Community" bags for new teachers.
Gladfest Committee: This committee plans and executes a major fall festival, Gladfest, which has been voted the "Best Annual Fair/Festival in the Northland." Gladfest offers traditional fall family fun including a parade, a carnival, live entertainment, lots of food booths, craft and commercial booths, a Kids Corner, and a lot more!
Your support is needed and wanted. Take action NOW for progress and growth in your community. Become more active in your Chamber and make your Membership work for you!
If you are interested in joining any of these dynamic groups, please call the Chamber office at
816-436-4523 or email info@gladstonechamber.com
If you are interested in joining the Gladstone Chamber of Commerce please click here